What is Telenor Open Mind?
Telenor Open Mind is a one year program acquiring work experience which caters to two target groups. Target group 1 is people with disabilities, and target group 2 is immigrants from non- European countries. The objective of the Open Mind program is to give the participants the opportunity to get valuable experience that will strengthen their chances to gain access to working life, through relevant work practice and training.
During the one-year program, participants will gain valuable knowledge and real work experience, and increase their opportunities to acquire relevant work. The program consists of an initial period of two months with computer training, access to Telenor Academy with different courses, and coaching courses. After this, participants spend 10 months working for Telenor. The job training is adjusted to the candidates’ educational background, competence and work experiences.
It is important to notice that none of our participants are guaranteed work during or after finished the program! It is therefore an integral part of the program that you apply for jobs along the way.
What is required of you as an immigrant?
Candidates that apply to the program must have higher education equivalent to Bachelor or Master's studies in relevant subject areas such as: IT, HR, Sales/ Administration/ Economics, Networking, Business and Communication.
The education must be approved by Norwegian directorate for higher education and skills - hkdir.no before applying to the program. The Nokut or HKdir documentation must be attached to the application.
You can find more information about that on this webpage: https://hkdir.no/en/foreign-education/education-from-outside-of-norway
You must come from a "non - european" country.
You must be registered as a job seeker at NAV, and they must approve of you applying to the program.
You need to master Norwegian and English at a level that makes it possible to communicate with both employer, colleagues and customers.
Telenor also requires a background check of our eligible candidates.
How to apply to the program if you are an immigrant?
Telenor Open Mind collaborates with NAV Tiltak Oslo and NAV Tiltak in Viken region in recruiting participants from this target group, who are immigrants with high education from non-European countries.
To apply for a place in the program, you must be registered as a job seeker at NAV.
Check if you meet all of our criterias as listed above.
Remember your education must be approved before applying.
You must apply through our application form which you can find on this page: www.telenor.no/openmind/skjema-innvandrerbakgrunn/
Eligible applicants are called for an information meeting with NAV and Telenor after the application deadline.
Telenor Norway, which Open Mind program belongs to, must follow the Security Act and guidelines given by PST and NSM.
Candidates from or who have ties to the following countries cannot apply for the program as the guidelines are currently in place. The five countries in question are Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, China and Russia.
There are intakes twice a year, spring and autumn.
The deadline date for the spring 2025 intake is finished.
If you are found to be an eligible candidate to start the program, then the start date for the spring batch is 1.st April.