Telenor launches mobile bookmark to report abuse
(Fornebu, 4 June 2015) A new bookmark for reporting abuse images online is being launched for all Telenor Norway customers with iPhones. The new “Telenor Safe Report” bookmark is located in the bookmark menu for all users who have updated to the latest version of IOS.
“A safer internet for children is something that Telenor is passionate about. We were also pioneers in developing a filter that blocks abuse sites online, together with Norwegian police authorities” says Berit Svendsen, CEO of Telenor Norway.
Telenor customers who come across abuse sites online can now use the “Telenor Safe Report” bookmark in the iPhone bookmark menu. When selecting this bookmark, a window will appear where you can choose to bring the website to the attention of Kripos. Telenor doesn’t receive any information about these tip offs.
“It’s important for Telenor that we do what we can to help make the internet safer for children and young people. Our customers’ privacy is also important, and customers who come across abuse sites on their mobiles should feel confident that Telenor won’t receive or save information about this. Our customers can choose to remain anonymous when providing information to Kripos,” Berit Svendsen explains.
The police already have the “red button” solution for reporting abuse images online. This is a bookmark that takes the customer to the website The bookmark from Telenor is a new option for reporting abuse websites. Tip offs sent to Kripos will be investigated and may be added to the block filter developed through a partnership between Telenor and Kripos. This filter blocks online abuse sites and warns those trying to access them that the site has been blocked due to the presence of abuse material.
“We know that Norwegians are coming across abuse images online less frequently than when we introduced the block filter back in 2004. This means that as an internet supplier, we are making a difference, and this is something we want to continue with by way of our new reporting solution,” Berit Svendsen concludes.
Telenor will implement mobile reporting solutions in every European country where it operates as part of a co-operation agreement between the European Commission and European telecom suppliers.
For further information, please contact:
Ana Brodtkorb, Head of Corporate Responsibility at Telenor Norway,, mobile: +47 (0)902 09 832
Maria Ekornes Myhre, PR Manager at Telenor Norway,, mobile: +47 (0)994 12 707