Aiming to create a safer Internet for four million children
(Fornebu, June 20. 2017) Our ambition is clear: a total of four million children will receive education in safe Internet use by 2020.
Safety for the youngest users of mobile phones and the Internet is among the most important areas of Telenor’s corporate responsibility. In 2016, the Group put the topic on the agenda in all of the countries in which it has a presence.
“We know that many children have experienced various types of unpleasantness when connected to the Internet or on their phones. This is a challenge that I am very pleased to say we can face together, across all of our companies. We have estimated that in Asia more than 100 million young people will get Internet access through Telenor in 2017 alone. The Internet must be an arena in which all children can travel safely, learn new digital skills and have positive experiences,”says Berit Svendsen, CEO of Telenor Norway.
Today, Telenor Norway will be presenting its value accounting in the Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability report for 2016, where safe Internet use is a central topic. The report also presents measures, ambitions and goals within Telenor’s corporate responsibility work.
Norway’s largest school tour against online bullying
Telenor Norway is cooperating with the Norwegian Media Authority, the Red Cross and Barnevakten in Norway’s largest school tour against online bullying since 2009, called Bruk Hue [Use Your Head]. So far, the tour has incorporated more than 1,000 school visits and has discussed online bullying with more than 250,000 children and 50,000 parents.
“If we are going to eradicate online bullying we must include the parents. Parents have been more eager for knowledge this year than ever before. They want to learn, and have given us feedback that they would like more courses. We are having very good discussions about prevention and online safety with interested parents,” says Svendsen.
Telenor Norway has surveyed parents’ thoughts and concerns about their children’s Internet use for several years. The national surveys show that parents are very worried about their children’s safety online and on their mobile phones. At the same time, 4 in 10 parents say that they do not think they have the knowledge to tackle the challenges their kids face in their digital lives.
Launching a digital parenting academy
In the spring of 2016, Telenor launched The digital parenting academy, an accessible offer to parents with children who use the Internet. The curriculum consists of such topics as adherence to age restrictions in games and social media, rules for online gaming, children’s right to privacy and Internet safety.
“There is a lot that we parents must stay updated on, and it is not always easy to keep up with the newest apps or social media that our children use. We want to play a part in closing the digital generation gaps in Norwegian families. can contribute by giving more parents the knowledge they need to let their children grow up safely online,” says Svendsen.
For more information:
Ana Brodtkorb, Head of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability, Telenor Norway, telephone: +47 902 09
, email: